It is an Indonesian's product :) It isn't from Singapore or USA, you must read! but I'm sorry, i just translated it from Indonesian to English :)
Anindito Respati Giyardani Inventor Selfie Stick aka Tongsis
Capitalized 1 million rupiah, now patented in America
TUESDAY, 08 JULI 2014, 15:21:00
Inventors "Tongsis" or selfie stick Anindito Respati Giyardani (right). PHOTOS: Batam Pos
Selfie phenomenon seemed unstoppable. In fact, now stick "helpers" that selfie can be taken from a distance being sold freely. Not many know, stick called tongsis it is the result of innovation Indonesian youth. He is Anindito Respati Giyardani. Motto: narcissistic or die.
FATIH MUFTIH - Singapore.
WEDNESDAY (11/6) night, around 21:00 local time, the weather is so hot Singapore. Because not stand silent in the hotel, this media reporter chose a walk. Incidentally a friend in the next room, also are wanting to experience a night in lion country.
With the driving mode of transportation Mass Rapid Transit (MRT), we headed to Orchard. Not until 10 minutes from Dhoby Ghaut station. The newspaper said the media friends, we'll meet someone who thinks as a ghost in the social networking world.
Located at Oriole cafe in the Somerset area, we encounter the ghost of social networking. Stature it is inversely proportional to the ghost. His head is shaved, but not tuyul. Strapping body high with a slightly distended abdomen. "I'm Babab," he said, introducing himself.
Babab is a popular name in cyberspace. In his blog, he wrote, Babab not mean abbreviation of defecation rather a lot. But, it is uttered his favorite call. "But it brought up to now. So my friend is also calling Babab," he said.
At first glance, there's nothing special about the men who worked at a well-known provider of this. However, the impression that special glow instantly when he pulled out a device from the bag.
Voila! Babab wands with a span length. However, when extended, can reach 1.3 meters. Then, Babab tucking the phone at the end of a stick. "Cheeersss ..." he said. Hearing that, we instantly stylish.
Yes, appliances Babab remove it is not something alien lately. It tongsis aka stick narcissistic. Babab is the creator stick originally named this magical wand. "I was forced to change its name though more familiar and jamming brand," said the owner of thisbababdito twitter account.
Nothing Babab it never existed tongsis. This crazy idea stems from the madness as well. Formerly, in eras his famous various social networking applications, Babab claim to be able to spend time 10 hours a day, just staring at her cell phone screen. "Well, then, I can not escape from socmed (social media, ed)," said this with a law degree.
After having a variety of social networking accounts, started the blaze in mind Babab to create a device that allows each person taking a portrait of himself without having to ask other people for help, or are rife called selfie. The idea was then connected through its monopod. Later, he casually connect with binder phones commonly used simply to display phone in the window.
After finding the ideal form, Babab bring the device design at a community meeting iphonesia, iphone mobile users, in Labuan Bajo. There, while he was busy laughing-ketiwi selfie on the edge of the ship. "My friends asked me my on, the tool is this? Yes, I tell more of this magic wand. You can selfie with high-angel," said Babab.
Finally, one by one fellow iphonesia start ordering device which later changed its name to tongsis it. Peak tongsis popularity two years ago, when the first lady Ani Yudhoyono, who like photography, tongsis rewarded by children iphonesia. "Out of photos tongsis Mrs. Ani terpublish used in social media, rame deh orders," he joked. Unfortunately, Babab reluctant to mention tongsis orders that have been produced so far. "There was me," he said, laughing.
Babab admitted, never thought that the idea originated from his hobby selfie this would bring the coffers of dollars. "I wrote Lha million capital charge. It was credit life," he said. Of the million it, tongsis began worldwide.
There are some countries that loyal suppliers artificial tongsis Babab. As a number of Southeast Asian countries, and extended to South Korea, Japan, and China. "Yesterday there were several suppliers of London who also had ngorder," added Babab.
As tongsis fame, also creator counter rampant. Seeing this condition, Babab feel cheated. "I think that beginian (tongsis, red) can not dipatenin," he said. However, having met Yoris Sebastian, entrepreneurs engaged in the creative industries, new Babab know, these creations can be patented.
Reluctant missed longer, assisted Yoris Sebastian, Babab then register tongsis that have a patent. Not half-hearted. On 20 September 2012 ago, the findings of this patented tongsis to the United States. "Yoris which helped me a lot about this patent search," he said. Only Babab regretted, despite two years of registration, certificate of patent tongsis not yet come out. "If the certificate is already out, so people if you want to buy tongsis it should be to me," he hoped.
Currently, patent pending certificate it up in her hand, Babab not silent. In between busy work, Babab still taking time to improve the quality of tongsis.
His dream, he wants tongsis only assembled in Indonesia. "Raw goods may be where aja, origin remain in Indonesia for assembling it," he said. Then, he continued, Babab now being tamper tongsis who try combined with the richness of Indonesia. "I wanta tongsis monopod can be customized. For example, have I made ya, cave painting it with his cane motif," he said.
While the project is more crazy, Babab want to modify the physical form tongsis. He realized, more days, more and more people are lazy to bring the device along the span of the hand wand today. But, Babab no wits. "People should take tongsis lazy, but lazy people never take the POWERBANK everywhere. Why? Because a simple form. Tongsis the dikantongin not possible," he said. Thus, Babab are designing tongsis with flat shape, resembling the power of banks, without prejudice to the primary function as supporting devices tongsis selfie and durability. "That's what I thinking again," he said.
Besides promo jor-rod through social networks, Babab now also has an official website for the book tongsis. "You're able to access create more tongsis know," he said. From there also, tongsis has now spread from Sabang to Merauke.
What Babab not be afraid if one day this tongsisnya no longer favored people? Hearing this question, Babab chuckle. "I'm confident, narcissistic affairs, the Indonesian champion," he joked.
Please to someone, who was posted on blog about the history of selfie stick, you must mention Indonesia as a pioneer country of selfie stick..
Sr :
Jumat, 19 Desember 2014
Jumat, 20 Juni 2014
Info Pendaftaran Penerimaan Siswa Didik Baru SMK Negeri 1 Wonogiri tahun pelajaran 2014/2015
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- Memenuhi syarat sesuai dengan ketentuan program keahlian di SMK Negeri 1 Wonogiri.
Pendaftaran dilaksanakan pada :
Hari : Senin s.d Kamis
Tanggal : 23 Juni 2014 s.d. 26 Juni 2014
Waktu : 07.30 WIB s.d. 12.00
Tempat : SMK Negeri 1 Wonogiri
C. Program Keahlian yang ditampung
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Terdapat 2 rombel dengan daya tampung per rombel 34 siswa (jumlah keseluruhan 68 siswa)
2. Akuntansi
Terdapat 5 rombel dengan daya tampung per rombel 34 siswa (jumlah keseluruhan 170 siswa)
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Terdapat 2 rombel dengan daya tampung per rombel 34 siswa (jumlah keseluruhan 68 siswa)
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Terdapat 2 rombel dengan daya tampung per rombel 34 siswa (jumlah keseluruhan 68 siswa)
D. TES KHUSUS (Tertulis)
Tes Khusus dilaksanakan pada :
Hari, Tanggal : Jum’at, 27 Juni 2014
Waktu : 07.30 WIB s.d. 09.30
Tempat : SMK Negeri 1 Wonogiri
Materi tes : 1. Bahasa Indonesia 3. Matematika
2. Bahasa Inggris 4. Potensi Akademis (Ekonomi / Pariwisata)
5. TIK
Hari, Tanggal : Jum’at, 27 Juni 2014 (Waktu : 10.00 s.d Selesai)
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G. PERANKINGAN DAN PENGUMUMAN Pengumuman dilaksanakan pada tanggal 2 Juli 2014 dengan memperhatikan Ranking Nilai berdasarkan Pembobotan Nilai yaitu dengan rumus : Materi Tes Khusus ( Bhs. Indonesia + Bhs. Inggris + Matematika + Ekonomi/Pariwisata +TIK)
TAHUN 2014 / 2015
Sabtu, 26 April 2014
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