Hallo guys, Assalamuallaikum.
Di sini gue mau sharing pengalaman gue lepas dari Cream racikan dokter di skincare, pake bahasa yang santai aja yaaa :D
Jadi, udah selama sekitar 2 tahun deh gue pake skincare ini. Skincare yang gue pake sih terkenal banget di Surakarta dan sekitarnya wadahnya berwarna merah. Oh iya buat kamu yang kulitnya baik-baik aja dan masih bagus jangan coba-coba deh buat pake krim-krim atau perawatan di skincare manapun apalagi cuma karena kurang pede kulit kalian nggak putih alias gelap. Jadilah diri kamu sendiri, cantik alami apalagi cantik hatinya itu udah jadi suatu kebanggaan dan keunikan tersendiri sebagai wanita. Nggak usah iri sama yang lain karena kulitnya putih, mulus, dan cantik dari alasan itu kalian pergi ke klinik kecantikan supaya bisa seperti yang lain padahal kulit kalian baik-baik aja, nanti ujungnya nyesel karena dimanapun tempat berada krim dokter itu bikin ketergantungan mau iklan/promosinya hebat bener ngomongnya bikin nggak ketergantungan wkwkwk.
Awalnya gue perawatan bukan karena pengen cantik atau putih sih, dulunya gue mulai ini pas gue SMK deh, waktu itu gue sering banget ikut kegiatan ekstrakurikuler di sekolah, sering kemah, dan panas-panasan yang akhirnya kulit gue rusak bener-bener parah banget. Yang awalnya kulit gue nggak gelap-gelap banget kuning langsatlah jadi iteeeeeeem banget dan ngelupas kaya orang habis kebakar dan panuan, jerawat dimana-mana, pokoknya bikin stress berat waktu itu. Kemudian temen gue nyaranin gue buat kontrol ke skincare waktu itu masih 2 bulanan pembukaan gitu karena masih baru di kota gue. Yaudahlah yaa gue coba karena kan katanya ada dokternya dan gue percaya aja dong karena kan yang ngatasin dokter pasti dia udah tau ilmu resep dll dijamin aman. Gue pergi ke klinik tuh untuk pertama kalinya, busett antri dokternya banyak banget sampe gue tinggal makan siang sama nyokap gue belom kelar wkwkwk. Nah, waktu itu gue kontrol, kulit gue dipegang-pegang dan dokternya langsung ngetik resep di komputer gitu. Dia nawarin gue mau skincare apa aja, yaudah gue kan ga tau apa2 dan masih norak gitu karena sebelumnya nggak pernah perawatan sama sekali. Karena gue cuma bawa duit 300ribu gue cuma ambil krim pagi, serum rejuve Vit E kalo ga salah, sama krim malamnya. Sampe rumah gue cuci muka dong pake facial foam, terus langsung gue cobain tuh krimnya. Beberapa hari gue pake tuh krim ajib bener dah langsung kelihatan perubahannya gilaa, kulit gue yang tadinya rusak langsung sedikit demi sedikit bersih dan dalam dua minggu aja jadi kinclong banget yang tadinya kulit gue kuning langsat jadi putih susu dan glowing gitu. Ah puas rasanya. Gue teratur dong pake krimnya. Oh ya pas gue kontrol waktu itu disuruh dokternya buat kontrol lagi tapi gue ga mau karena antri dan takut dosisnya ditinggiin karena krim yang gue pake dosisnya paling kecil buat anak remaja. Yang akhirnya tiap krim gue habis gue selalu beli aja sesuai struk pembelian sebelumnya. Nggak tau sih apa itu juga yang ngefek jadi ketergantungan karena gue nggak kontrol tapi kata temen-temen gue kalo gue balik kontrol dosisnya bakal ditambahin yaudah deh hahaha. Nah pas gue udah ngerasa kulit gue baik-baik aja dan udah puas gitu ibaratnya yekan udah cantik gini kan ngapain pake lagi. Gue coba buat nggak pake satu bulan ehhh wajah gue jadi kusem, dekil, klimis, dan flek dimana-mana gue jadi sedih kalo lihat wajah asli gue pas SMP masih cantik kok sekarang kulit gue gini amat yaa yang akhirnya gue balik lagi ke klinik beli krim yang biasa gue beli. Nah pas udah pake lagi kulit gue jadi bening lagi, dalam hati gue bilang "Astaga gue pasti ketergantungan nih mampus kan lo".
Nah kan itu udah 2 tahun gue pake krim itu. Setelah itu kan gue kuliah di Depok dan nggak tinggal lagi di Solo otomatis kalo gue kehabisan krim gue beli lewat onlineshop jasa titip skincare yang gue pake tinggal nambahin ceban (10ribu) sama ongkir. Pas kuliah ini nih karena gue suka hunting foto ke Jakarta kemana aja panas-panasan, dll, dan duit anak kuliahan apalagi anak rantau nggak seberapa kan apalagi gue jurusan broadcasting yang otomatis boros banget buat keperluan kuliah dan pribadi. Jadi gue males banget beli online lagi karena juga jadi jarang isi saldo di bank. Nah dari situ gue ada niatan kuat buat berhenti dari krim-krim yang menyesatkan itu. Pengen banget kulit gue balik pas kaya jaman SMP yang masih polos dan cakep sih kalo kata gue hahaha. Sumpah yaa berhenti dari krim dokter bikin depresi awalnya karena bener-bener breakout banget wajah gue ishhh sampe temen-temen gue aja bilang "Lah kok lo item banget gitu sih sekarang parah banget jadi klimis"
"Ya ampun wajah lo kenapa bisa kaya gitu lo makan apa sih pake sunblock apa ihh itu" dan celaan-celaan yang bikin gue down banget selama 2 bulan lamanya. Kulit gue jadi kusam, item, jerawat, iritasi, ngelupas, berkerak, ahhhh mimpi terburuk sampe-sampe gue suka nangis sendiri kalo lagi ngaca itu bikin nangis dan nyesel pengen memutar kembali waktu ke SMP yang gue nggak ikut kegiatan apa2 biar kulit gue terjaga kan. Nah dari situ gue rajin lihat-lihat vlog di youtube tentang gimana sih cara ngilangin ketergantungan krim dokter dan bagaimana krim dokter kok bisa bikin ketergantungan. Dan begonya nih ya pas gue lagi nyesel baru ngerti soal itu semua bukannya dari awal cari info dulu sebelum pake ya kan :'(
Jadi katanya krim racikan dokter itu selalu dan selalu nggak pernah lepas dari yang namanya steroid dan HQ yang menurut ilmu farmasi sih bahaya kalo dipake terus-terusan karena bahan itu cuma boleh digunain buat pengembalian/penyembuhan kulit dalam keadaan darurat seperti radang dan bekas luka yang udah kering dan nggak boleh dipake setiap waktu karena bakal berdampak buruk kaya kulit kita jadi menipis, jaringan pada kulit dan pori jadi rusak, pembuluh darah jadi pecah, timbul jerawat, dan bisa bikin kanker kulit kalo dosisnya salah. Karena skincare bahkan dokter kecantikan yang kurang bijak hanya memikirkan kepentingan bisnisnya saja bukan keamanan dan edukasi terhadap kesehatan kulit buat masyarakat tapi kalo kata gue sih dari masyarakatnya dulu harus tahan diri buat nggak langsung pake perawatan yang nggak berguna sih cuma pengen cantik doang mah. Istilahnya teh ngebet cantik tapi bloon gitu ya kan. Dari situ gue belajar dan nyesek pasti karena udah terlanjur pake krim dokter. Apalagi temen-temen gue pada suka cengin gue karena wajah gue yang buruk rupa ini. Gue sampe stress dan itu malah bikin jerawat makin nantangin gue deh kayanya songongkan ya. Gue aja bingung harus mulai dari mana gue memperbaiki kulit gue ini. Hmmm, awalnya gue nggak rutin pake krim dokter itu perlahan-lahan yaa walau hasilnya parah karena gue berhenti tapi harus sabar dan kuat mental aja sih kalo kata gue. Gue jadi sering maskeran 3 hari sekali pake masker putih telur dicampur sama perasan lemon, atau kadang lemonnya doang langsung diusapin ke wajah, adalagi racikan masker dari beauty vlogger yang gue lihat, bahan-bahannya : tepung beras, susu cair, madu, dan lemon. Olesin ke wajah sampe merata dan kering habis itu kalian cuci muka deh sampe bersih. Itu nggak langsung ngaruh buat mutihin wajah loh itu cuma buat netralin racun yang masuk ke dalam pori-pori kulit. Kalo habis maskeran kalian muncul jerawat berarti itu kalian berhasil karena kalian berhasil pada tahap detoksifikasi atau pengeluaran racun-racun dalam tubuh, emang sih efeknya bikin jerawat numbuh gitu tapi tenang banyak kok obat alami buat nyembuhin jerawat. Kalo gue sih pake produknya Etude House yang AC Clinic Intense Hinoki Water Mist kalian cari aja yang paket kit yang kecil biasanya murah kok di Shoppee atau nggak marketplace lain. Nah untuk pengganti krim pagi biasanya gue habis cuci muka pake makeup remover/ cleanser/ toner boleh kok merk apa aja kalo gue sih beda-beda kalo udah habis beli lagi ke giant paling apa ya produk viva doang yang murah harga goceng atau ceban itu ponds remover yang 20an ribu, sama garnier tapi lebih sering pake viva lebih enak pake ponds karena adem haha inget kantong duit aja sih gue kalo beli wkwkwk. Buat mousturizernya gue pake Citra yang Hazeline bebas mau yang apa aja tapi gue pake yang greentea sama sakura sih yang pink beli aja di indomaret atau alfamart awet banget itu isinya banyak dan murah lagi hahaha terus gue pake sunblock deh produknya Emina Sun Protection SPF 30 PA++ kalo nggak Vaseline juga bagus kok. Kalo gue nggak lagi pergi biasanya siangnya juga gue suka pakein gel lidah buaya gitu kalian bisa dapetin di drugstore atau olshop kaya produknya Wardah atau yang paling bagus punya korea yang Nature Republik Aloe Vera 92% sumpah itu enak banget dan bisa dipake buat kalian yang kulitnya kering. Buat kulit kering juga bisa pake Vaseline Petroleum Jelly jangan yang KW yaaa ih kalian mah suka yang murah-murah banget beli di olshop cek google dulu yaa harga dan perbedaan produk yang asli sama KW gitu biar aman kulitnya. Gue juga suka pake produk Etude House tuh yang Moistfull Collagen kalo lagi ada duit wkwkwk. Nah pas kalian lagi proses lepas dari krim dokter jangan pake makeup yang menor-menor yaaa, rajin-rajin bersihin muka dan lindungin wajah dari sinar matahari pake masker penutup wajah juga kalo bepergian siang hari. Malemnya cuci muka lagi terus ngademin wajah pake es batu habis itu pake gel aloevera lagi dan pake produknya Wardah yang white scret night cream buat gantiin krim malam dari dokter. Oh iya aku juga rekomendasiin tuh masker kefir yang dari susu kambing itu ampuh juga netralin kulit kita dari krim dokter karena gue juga make tapi berhenti karena ga kuat sama baunya tapi hasilnya bagus deh tapi ya tahan-tahanin aje yee hahaha muntah gue make itu. Cuma itu sih tips-tips dari aku, dari skincare routine yang aku pake waktu ngejalanin masa lepas dari krim dokter emang sih harus butuh kesabaran dan mental kuat kalo kamu udah dalam fase detoksifikasi jangan balik lagi ke klinik langganan kamu, percuma deh ibarat orang taubat tapi balik musyrik lagi harus sabar dan jangan terburu-buru pengen cantik terus, lo pengen kulit lo rusak di masa tua lo nanti atau kanker kulit yang bisa dateng kapan aja dan iritasi hebat sama kulit lo suatu saat nanti. Enggak kan? Sepinter-pinternya dokter atau anak farmasi ngracik obat krim buat kecantikan kalo mereka ngasih steroid dan HQ buat apa tetep aja ngejerumusin masyarakat. Jadi harus ada kesadaran tersendiri sih dari masing-masing hati orang. Kalo kata gue sih gitu. Hihihi. Tips diatas nggak wajib dilakuin kok tapi bener dah hasilnya terbukti karena emang pengalaman pribadi. Kalo pengen kulit lo putih ada sih produk Thailand namanya Gluta Pancea itu aman dan steril diminum terus ampuh juga karena gue juga minum tapi ya mahal banget yang ORI. Nah iya jangan sekali-kali beli kosmetik KW ya diolshop-olshop kalo bisa mah beli di drugstorenya langsung aja dan perhatiin tiap kandungan isi kosmetik kalo nggak ngerti google aja apa dampak dan efeknya. Gitu aja ya tips dari gue, kalo misal kalian nggak cocok beralih ke merk kosmetik yang gue rekomendasiin di atas kalian bisa cari kosmetik yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan kulit wajah kalian. Intinya harus sabar, gapapa kalian dicaci maki tapi lebih baik cantik sehat daripada cantik krim dokter. Rutin-rutin juga minum air putih penting banget ini mah. Hehehe. Udah dulu yaa sharingnya semoga bermanfaat.
Kamis, 04 Januari 2018
Jumat, 19 Desember 2014
History of SELFIE STICK (REAL!!! You must read!)
It is an Indonesian's product :) It isn't from Singapore or USA, you must read! but I'm sorry, i just translated it from Indonesian to English :)
Anindito Respati Giyardani Inventor Selfie Stick aka Tongsis
Capitalized 1 million rupiah, now patented in America
TUESDAY, 08 JULI 2014, 15:21:00



Inventors "Tongsis" or selfie stick Anindito Respati Giyardani (right). PHOTOS: Batam Pos
Selfie phenomenon seemed unstoppable. In fact, now stick "helpers" that selfie can be taken from a distance being sold freely. Not many know, stick called tongsis it is the result of innovation Indonesian youth. He is Anindito Respati Giyardani. Motto: narcissistic or die.
FATIH MUFTIH - Singapore.
WEDNESDAY (11/6) night, around 21:00 local time, the weather is so hot Singapore. Because not stand silent in the hotel, this media reporter chose a walk. Incidentally a friend in the next room, also are wanting to experience a night in lion country.
With the driving mode of transportation Mass Rapid Transit (MRT), we headed to Orchard. Not until 10 minutes from Dhoby Ghaut station. The newspaper said the media friends, we'll meet someone who thinks as a ghost in the social networking world.
Located at Oriole cafe in the Somerset area, we encounter the ghost of social networking. Stature it is inversely proportional to the ghost. His head is shaved, but not tuyul. Strapping body high with a slightly distended abdomen. "I'm Babab," he said, introducing himself.
Babab is a popular name in cyberspace. In his blog, he wrote, Babab not mean abbreviation of defecation rather a lot. But, it is uttered his favorite call. "But it brought up to now. So my friend is also calling Babab," he said.
At first glance, there's nothing special about the men who worked at a well-known provider of this. However, the impression that special glow instantly when he pulled out a device from the bag.
Voila! Babab wands with a span length. However, when extended, can reach 1.3 meters. Then, Babab tucking the phone at the end of a stick. "Cheeersss ..." he said. Hearing that, we instantly stylish.
Yes, appliances Babab remove it is not something alien lately. It tongsis aka stick narcissistic. Babab is the creator stick originally named this magical wand. "I was forced to change its name though more familiar and jamming brand," said the owner of thisbababdito twitter account.
Nothing Babab it never existed tongsis. This crazy idea stems from the madness as well. Formerly, in eras his famous various social networking applications, Babab claim to be able to spend time 10 hours a day, just staring at her cell phone screen. "Well, then, I can not escape from socmed (social media, ed)," said this with a law degree.
After having a variety of social networking accounts, started the blaze in mind Babab to create a device that allows each person taking a portrait of himself without having to ask other people for help, or are rife called selfie. The idea was then connected through its monopod. Later, he casually connect with binder phones commonly used simply to display phone in the window.
After finding the ideal form, Babab bring the device design at a community meeting iphonesia, iphone mobile users, in Labuan Bajo. There, while he was busy laughing-ketiwi selfie on the edge of the ship. "My friends asked me my on, the tool is this? Yes, I tell more of this magic wand. You can selfie with high-angel," said Babab.
Finally, one by one fellow iphonesia start ordering device which later changed its name to tongsis it. Peak tongsis popularity two years ago, when the first lady Ani Yudhoyono, who like photography, tongsis rewarded by children iphonesia. "Out of photos tongsis Mrs. Ani terpublish used in social media, rame deh orders," he joked. Unfortunately, Babab reluctant to mention tongsis orders that have been produced so far. "There was me," he said, laughing.
Babab admitted, never thought that the idea originated from his hobby selfie this would bring the coffers of dollars. "I wrote Lha million capital charge. It was credit life," he said. Of the million it, tongsis began worldwide.
There are some countries that loyal suppliers artificial tongsis Babab. As a number of Southeast Asian countries, and extended to South Korea, Japan, and China. "Yesterday there were several suppliers of London who also had ngorder," added Babab.
As tongsis fame, also creator counter rampant. Seeing this condition, Babab feel cheated. "I think that beginian (tongsis, red) can not dipatenin," he said. However, having met Yoris Sebastian, entrepreneurs engaged in the creative industries, new Babab know, these creations can be patented.
Reluctant missed longer, assisted Yoris Sebastian, Babab then register tongsis that have a patent. Not half-hearted. On 20 September 2012 ago, the findings of this patented tongsis to the United States. "Yoris which helped me a lot about this patent search," he said. Only Babab regretted, despite two years of registration, certificate of patent tongsis not yet come out. "If the certificate is already out, so people if you want to buy tongsis it should be to me," he hoped.
Currently, patent pending certificate it up in her hand, Babab not silent. In between busy work, Babab still taking time to improve the quality of tongsis.
His dream, he wants tongsis only assembled in Indonesia. "Raw goods may be where aja, origin remain in Indonesia for assembling it," he said. Then, he continued, Babab now being tamper tongsis who try combined with the richness of Indonesia. "I wanta tongsis monopod can be customized. For example, have I made ya, cave painting it with his cane motif," he said.
While the project is more crazy, Babab want to modify the physical form tongsis. He realized, more days, more and more people are lazy to bring the device along the span of the hand wand today. But, Babab no wits. "People should take tongsis lazy, but lazy people never take the POWERBANK everywhere. Why? Because a simple form. Tongsis the dikantongin not possible," he said. Thus, Babab are designing tongsis with flat shape, resembling the power of banks, without prejudice to the primary function as supporting devices tongsis selfie and durability. "That's what I thinking again," he said.
Besides promo jor-rod through social networks, Babab now also has an official website for the book tongsis. "You're able to access tongsis.net create more tongsis know," he said. From there also, tongsis has now spread from Sabang to Merauke.
What Babab not be afraid if one day this tongsisnya no longer favored people? Hearing this question, Babab chuckle. "I'm confident, narcissistic affairs, the Indonesian champion," he joked.
Please to someone, who was posted on blog about the history of selfie stick, you must mention Indonesia as a pioneer country of selfie stick..
Sr : http://m.jpnn.com/news.php?id=244945
Anindito Respati Giyardani Inventor Selfie Stick aka Tongsis
Capitalized 1 million rupiah, now patented in America
TUESDAY, 08 JULI 2014, 15:21:00



Inventors "Tongsis" or selfie stick Anindito Respati Giyardani (right). PHOTOS: Batam Pos
Selfie phenomenon seemed unstoppable. In fact, now stick "helpers" that selfie can be taken from a distance being sold freely. Not many know, stick called tongsis it is the result of innovation Indonesian youth. He is Anindito Respati Giyardani. Motto: narcissistic or die.
FATIH MUFTIH - Singapore.
WEDNESDAY (11/6) night, around 21:00 local time, the weather is so hot Singapore. Because not stand silent in the hotel, this media reporter chose a walk. Incidentally a friend in the next room, also are wanting to experience a night in lion country.
With the driving mode of transportation Mass Rapid Transit (MRT), we headed to Orchard. Not until 10 minutes from Dhoby Ghaut station. The newspaper said the media friends, we'll meet someone who thinks as a ghost in the social networking world.
Located at Oriole cafe in the Somerset area, we encounter the ghost of social networking. Stature it is inversely proportional to the ghost. His head is shaved, but not tuyul. Strapping body high with a slightly distended abdomen. "I'm Babab," he said, introducing himself.
Babab is a popular name in cyberspace. In his blog, he wrote, Babab not mean abbreviation of defecation rather a lot. But, it is uttered his favorite call. "But it brought up to now. So my friend is also calling Babab," he said.
At first glance, there's nothing special about the men who worked at a well-known provider of this. However, the impression that special glow instantly when he pulled out a device from the bag.
Voila! Babab wands with a span length. However, when extended, can reach 1.3 meters. Then, Babab tucking the phone at the end of a stick. "Cheeersss ..." he said. Hearing that, we instantly stylish.
Yes, appliances Babab remove it is not something alien lately. It tongsis aka stick narcissistic. Babab is the creator stick originally named this magical wand. "I was forced to change its name though more familiar and jamming brand," said the owner of thisbababdito twitter account.
Nothing Babab it never existed tongsis. This crazy idea stems from the madness as well. Formerly, in eras his famous various social networking applications, Babab claim to be able to spend time 10 hours a day, just staring at her cell phone screen. "Well, then, I can not escape from socmed (social media, ed)," said this with a law degree.
After having a variety of social networking accounts, started the blaze in mind Babab to create a device that allows each person taking a portrait of himself without having to ask other people for help, or are rife called selfie. The idea was then connected through its monopod. Later, he casually connect with binder phones commonly used simply to display phone in the window.
After finding the ideal form, Babab bring the device design at a community meeting iphonesia, iphone mobile users, in Labuan Bajo. There, while he was busy laughing-ketiwi selfie on the edge of the ship. "My friends asked me my on, the tool is this? Yes, I tell more of this magic wand. You can selfie with high-angel," said Babab.
Finally, one by one fellow iphonesia start ordering device which later changed its name to tongsis it. Peak tongsis popularity two years ago, when the first lady Ani Yudhoyono, who like photography, tongsis rewarded by children iphonesia. "Out of photos tongsis Mrs. Ani terpublish used in social media, rame deh orders," he joked. Unfortunately, Babab reluctant to mention tongsis orders that have been produced so far. "There was me," he said, laughing.
Babab admitted, never thought that the idea originated from his hobby selfie this would bring the coffers of dollars. "I wrote Lha million capital charge. It was credit life," he said. Of the million it, tongsis began worldwide.
There are some countries that loyal suppliers artificial tongsis Babab. As a number of Southeast Asian countries, and extended to South Korea, Japan, and China. "Yesterday there were several suppliers of London who also had ngorder," added Babab.
As tongsis fame, also creator counter rampant. Seeing this condition, Babab feel cheated. "I think that beginian (tongsis, red) can not dipatenin," he said. However, having met Yoris Sebastian, entrepreneurs engaged in the creative industries, new Babab know, these creations can be patented.
Reluctant missed longer, assisted Yoris Sebastian, Babab then register tongsis that have a patent. Not half-hearted. On 20 September 2012 ago, the findings of this patented tongsis to the United States. "Yoris which helped me a lot about this patent search," he said. Only Babab regretted, despite two years of registration, certificate of patent tongsis not yet come out. "If the certificate is already out, so people if you want to buy tongsis it should be to me," he hoped.
Currently, patent pending certificate it up in her hand, Babab not silent. In between busy work, Babab still taking time to improve the quality of tongsis.
His dream, he wants tongsis only assembled in Indonesia. "Raw goods may be where aja, origin remain in Indonesia for assembling it," he said. Then, he continued, Babab now being tamper tongsis who try combined with the richness of Indonesia. "I wanta tongsis monopod can be customized. For example, have I made ya, cave painting it with his cane motif," he said.
While the project is more crazy, Babab want to modify the physical form tongsis. He realized, more days, more and more people are lazy to bring the device along the span of the hand wand today. But, Babab no wits. "People should take tongsis lazy, but lazy people never take the POWERBANK everywhere. Why? Because a simple form. Tongsis the dikantongin not possible," he said. Thus, Babab are designing tongsis with flat shape, resembling the power of banks, without prejudice to the primary function as supporting devices tongsis selfie and durability. "That's what I thinking again," he said.
Besides promo jor-rod through social networks, Babab now also has an official website for the book tongsis. "You're able to access tongsis.net create more tongsis know," he said. From there also, tongsis has now spread from Sabang to Merauke.
What Babab not be afraid if one day this tongsisnya no longer favored people? Hearing this question, Babab chuckle. "I'm confident, narcissistic affairs, the Indonesian champion," he joked.
Please to someone, who was posted on blog about the history of selfie stick, you must mention Indonesia as a pioneer country of selfie stick..
Sr : http://m.jpnn.com/news.php?id=244945
Jumat, 20 Juni 2014
Info Pendaftaran Penerimaan Siswa Didik Baru SMK Negeri 1 Wonogiri tahun pelajaran 2014/2015
- Pendaftar datang langsung ke tempat pendaftaran
- Menyerahkan Surat Keterangan Hasil Ujian (SKHU) / Surat keterangan Lulus (STL) ASLI
- Menyerahkan foto copy Ijazah SLTP/SMPLB/MTS/ Paket B atau yang sederajat di legalisir
- Menyerahkan Foto hitam putih 3 x 4 sebanyak 4 ( empat ) lembar
- Tidak dipungut biaya pendaftaran.
- Usia tidak lebih dari 21 tahun pada tanggal 14 Juli 2014
- Mengisi Formulir Pendaftaran yang disediakan Panita.
- Memenuhi syarat sesuai dengan ketentuan program keahlian di SMK Negeri 1 Wonogiri.
Pendaftaran dilaksanakan pada :
Hari : Senin s.d Kamis
Tanggal : 23 Juni 2014 s.d. 26 Juni 2014
Waktu : 07.30 WIB s.d. 12.00
Tempat : SMK Negeri 1 Wonogiri
C. Program Keahlian yang ditampung
1. Administrasi Perkantoran :
Terdapat 2 rombel dengan daya tampung per rombel 34 siswa (jumlah keseluruhan 68 siswa)
2. Akuntansi
Terdapat 5 rombel dengan daya tampung per rombel 34 siswa (jumlah keseluruhan 170 siswa)
3. Pemasaran
Terdapat 2 rombel dengan daya tampung per rombel 34 siswa (jumlah keseluruhan 68 siswa)
4. Tata Boga
Terdapat 2 rombel dengan daya tampung per rombel 34 siswa (jumlah keseluruhan 68 siswa)
D. TES KHUSUS (Tertulis)
Tes Khusus dilaksanakan pada :
Hari, Tanggal : Jum’at, 27 Juni 2014
Waktu : 07.30 WIB s.d. 09.30
Tempat : SMK Negeri 1 Wonogiri
Materi tes : 1. Bahasa Indonesia 3. Matematika
2. Bahasa Inggris 4. Potensi Akademis (Ekonomi / Pariwisata)
5. TIK
Hari, Tanggal : Jum’at, 27 Juni 2014 (Waktu : 10.00 s.d Selesai)
- Bonus nilai diberikan terhadap Prestasi Kejuaraan yang diselenggarakan oleh Organisasi Profesi atau Pemerintah yang diraih Calon Peserta Didik baik perorangan maupun kelompok pada sekolah jenjang sebelumnya dalam kurun waktu 2 tahun terakhir ( Juli 2012 s.d. Juni 2014 )
- Diambil 1 piagam prestasi tertinggi, dengan menunjukkan piagam/sertifikat yang Aslidan menyerahkan Foto Copy yang dilegalisir oleh yang berwenang yaitu :
- Untuk Piagam tingkat Internasional, Nasional, dan Provinsi oleh Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Up. Kabid yang bersangkutan,
- Untuk Piagam tingkat Kabupaten/Kota oleh Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten/kota setempat
- Untuk Piagam tingkat Kecamatan oleh Kepala Cabang Dinas Pendidikan Kecamatan setempat
G. PERANKINGAN DAN PENGUMUMAN Pengumuman dilaksanakan pada tanggal 2 Juli 2014 dengan memperhatikan Ranking Nilai berdasarkan Pembobotan Nilai yaitu dengan rumus : Materi Tes Khusus ( Bhs. Indonesia + Bhs. Inggris + Matematika + Ekonomi/Pariwisata +TIK)
TAHUN 2014 / 2015
Sabtu, 26 April 2014
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Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan ini berada di wilayah Kabupaten Wonogiri lebih tepatnya lagi berlokasi di Jalan Arjuna 6 ( Wonokarto), Wonogiri-Jawa Tengah. Telpon : (0273) 321322
Visi dan Misi
Visi : Mewujudkan Sumber Daya Manusia yang Berakhlak Mulia yang Mampu Bersaing Dalam Dunia Kerja Secara Global Misi :
Sabtu, 12 Oktober 2013
Bruno Mars - When I was Your Man (Lyrics)
Same day but it feels just
A little bit bigger now
Our song on the radio
But it dont sound the same
When our friends talk about you
All it does is just tear me down
Cause my heart breaks a little
When I hear your name
It all just sounds like (oooooh)
Mmm too young too dumb to realize
That i
Should of bought you flowers
And held you hands
Should of gave you all my hours
When I had the chance
Take you to every party
Cause all you wanted to do was dance
Now my baby is dancing
But shes dancing with another man
My pride my ego my needs and my selfish ways
Cause the good strong woman like you to walk out my life
Now I never never get to clean up the mess I made
Ooh and it hunts me every time I close my eyes
It all just sounds like (oooooh)
Mmm too young too dumb to realize
That i
Should of bought you flowers
And held your hands
Should of gave you all my hours
When I had the chance
Take you to every party
Cause all you wanted to do was dance
Now my baby is dancing
But shes dancing with another man
Although it hurts
Ill be the first to say
That I was wrooooong
Oooh I know im probably much too late
To try and apologize for my mistakes
But I just want you to know
I hope he buys you flowers
I hope he hold you hands
Give you all hes hours
When he has the chance
Take you to every party
Cause I remember how much
You loved to dance
Do all the things I should of done
When I was your man
Do all the things I should of done
When I was your man
Selasa, 23 Juli 2013
Tutorial Hijab
Assalamuallaikum ukhti :) , sebagai seorang muslimah kita diwajibkan untuk menutup aurat.. Author di sini hanya sekedar posting beberapa foto turorial hijab yg mungkin bermanfaat dan menambah minat berjilbab kalian semua.. Walaupun banyak sekali model-model hijab yg sedang ngetrend dan modis, akan tetapi lebih baik tetap mengikuti akidah islam yg berlaku..Ini dia beberapa foto tutorial yg author bisa berikan..
Semoga postingan ini bisa bermanfaat untuk kalian semua..kurang lebihnya kata-kata dari author, saya minta maaf
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